Profil Series

General Terms and Conditions:


  1. Deposit of USD600 is required upon booking.


  1. Full payment is required upon deadline of airline and issuance of tickets. 

Complete tour package is non-refundable once airline tickets are issued and tours are finalized. 

  1. Minimum of 20 persons are required to complete the tour. 

In the event PROFIL is not able to complete the minimum requirement, the USD 600 deposit will not be refunded but can be applied to other PROFIL products (hotel accommodation, tours, transfers and Rail Europe tickets). However, if passenger do not wish to avail any PROFIL products, the deposit is non-refundable as stated in item #1. 

  1. In case of travel restrictions by Philippine government regulations or at the destination, PROFIL  

reserves the right to amend the departure at a later date, subject to airline confirmation. 

No refund for passengers who do not wish to join the tour on amended date. 

  1. PHP ______ is the cost of Schengen visa. 

Visa fee is non-refundable once visa is filed. 

All documents required for visa filing must be submitted within 5 days duration after the  deposit   is made. 



1.a       The deposit required for either full package or land only is USD600. 

1.b       Deposit can only be applied to the same passenger. 

1.c       Deposit is non- transferrable, non -endorsable and non -refundable 

1.d       Deposit is valid only for 1 year. 

1.e       For passengers affected by rebooking date, deposit is valid for 1 year for the same person  

based on the departure date of the tour where the deposit was made.


       5.a PROFIL can assist in visa filing, ONLY for passengers with previous travel history in their passport.

             If travelling as a family and one (1) member has no travel history (clean passport), we can accept and file their visas on the condition that all

              passengers will travel as a family. 

             Regret that we cannot assist individual passengers with no travel history or with renewed lost passport case. 

      5.b. Visas will be processed on below conditions: 

        Complete documents must be submitted to the visa department. 

                        Incomplete documents will not be entertained. 

             5.bii    Copy of receipts for visa payment and deposit must be submitted to the Visa Department. 

             5.biii.   If visa expires (in case of tour rebooking), renewal on passenger’s account. 

       5.c. Visa assistance can be extended on the condition a PROFIL product is availed. 

               No visa services will be extended without availing any PROFIL products.

Cases and General Conditions:

  1. Deposit is non -refundable in the event that the passenger is covid -positive, suspected covid-positive or exposed to covid-positive passenger.

         In case of death, deposit and full payment are non-refundable. 

  1. Once airline ticket is issued, no refund will be provided.If the full package is finalized but no airline tickets issued yet, the airline component can be refunded.  However, the land component can be applied to any PROFIL products within 1 year exclusively for the same passenger, non-transferrable.  Non-refundable at all if the passenger is not interested to purchase any PROFIL products.
  1. In order to facilitate new bookings of passengers for any PROFIL product, we require travel agent/passengers to send an email of their requests accordingly. In response, PROFIL will send an update on the booking requests with booking status and corresponding time limit for confirmed bookings.
  1. For passengers affected by government-imposed travel restrictions/lockdowns, alternative dates will be offered. If the new dates are not accepted by the passengers, no refund will be provided. However, payment can be applied (less the airfare on the condition that air ticket has been issued) on any available PROFIL product of passenger’s choice, subject for the computation on the revised tour. Again, valid for 1 year exclusively by the same passenger, non-transferrable.
  1. For finalized group falling below the minimum 10-person requirement, the deposit of the affected passengers is non-refundable. Instead, deposit can be applied within 1 year exclusively by the same person, non-transferrable, from the departure date of the tour where the deposit was made, on the following conditions:
  • The next available series tour of the same or with a different tour cost.
  • Avail of any PROFIL products (hotel accommodation, transfers, tours and  Rail Europe tickets). Passengers must be holding confirmed flights at all sectors all the time
  • For visa issues such as expiration in connection to the above scenario, passengers will re-apply for their visa with corresponding fee applicable on their account.
  1. PROFIL tours with guaranteed departure dates from Manila purchased by overseas-based passenger are non- refundable once finalized. Consequently, for cancelled passengers due to an event no party can be held accountable (in case of destination lockdown) please refer to items # 4 or # 5 whichever is applicable to the case.